
The Best and Worst Foods for Digestion: What They Are and Why They Work


Keeping your digestive tract is beneficial in many ways. You need to be on a “regular” schedule with bowel movements and all digestion in order to feel your best. If you aren’t, fecal matter can back up into your system, making you constipated and leaving you constipated. The toxins form this can build in your system and make you sick. Over time, your immune system can weaken and you can become ill in other ways. In other words- good digestive health is essential.

People will tell you the basics of keeping your digestive system in perfect running order include eating right, exercising, and drinking lots of water. Water helps your digestive system break down food, and exercise keeps things moving the way they should. Food is a whole other topic to tackle, though, because certain foods can actually make digestions worse. If you eat too many of these foods and not enough of the right kind you could be harming your body rather than helping it.

Eat Foods High in Fiber

Fiber doesn’t break down in the body and turn to carbs and sugars like most other foods do, but they do help keep your digestive tract running the right way. You can eat whole grain foods and fruits like apples to help with this process. If you don’t feel like you are getting enough fiber, take a supplement. You can get them in pill form or as a powdered mix from brands like Power Life to add into drinks, and they work just as well as the foods do, maybe even better because they come in straight fiber forms and nothing else.

Eat Less Refined Sugar

Sugar is one of those foods that makes your body constipated. When your body ingests natural sugars form fruits and vegetables it derives energy from these foods and uses the sugar for fuel, which in turn boosts your metabolism and helps your digestive tract stay on course. If you eat too many refined sugars, found in candies and cakes, you are actually making your digestions slow because these sugars quickly metabolize into fat, not fuel, and that slows down the metabolic process and your digestion.

Spices and Herbs are Good for You

Not only do they help food taste great, but they help your body digest the food you are eating. Turmeric, Ginger, and Peppermint help to settle an upset stomach, which can cause digestive issues if left unchecked. If you don’t eat foods these would work well with, you can always drink them in teas or buy them in supplements. Lozenges before or after a meal (made in peppermint or ginger) are also a great way to get these into your system.

Probiotics and Dairy Can Help in a Variety of Ways

Probiotics are tiny organisms that are found in certain foods and supplements. One of those foods is yogurt, and if you eat enough of it they will keep your digestive tract clean, balanced, and healthy. One cause of digestive issues is when the good bacteria in your tract becomes unbalanced. Probiotics helps to restore that balance and righting the order of your system. Be sure not to eat too many of these probiotics, though, or you could throw your system off in the opposite way and you’ll find yourself stuck on the toilet quite a bit. Bio X4 Nucific is a weight management probiotic supplement. The probiotic weight loss aid helps users by supporting optimal digestive health from multiple angles.

Dairy can also help you because it helps to calm heartburn and acid reflux, which can both cause you to have stomach issues. If you feel these issues occurring after certain foods, drink milk before or after you eat the food to help everything digest properly and to keep yourself from feeling sick.

Avoid Foods that Trigger Acid Reflux

One of the best ways to end digestive issues is to avoid them. Do not eat spicy foods, caffeine, or carbonated drinks if you get acid reflux from them. Other foods like sugar and fatty foods can also aggravate the reflux issues.

Avoid Overly-Fatty and Fried Foods

These foods can either make you constipated or they can make you have diarrhea. None of those things is good for a healthy digestive tract, so if you experience any of those symptoms from fatty and fried foods, leave them alone.

Limit your Alcohol Intake

One of the worst things you can do for your digestion is alcohol. It dehydrates you, and a dehydrated body holds onto foods and drinks instead of getting rid of them. When your body does that with alcohol, it holds onto a higher level of toxins, which can make you sick. In order to make sure your digestive tract s at its best, this is definitely a food to avoid.

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