
How to Become a Fidget-Spinning Pro


Fidgeting is an effective sensory support for improving your general health and wellbeing, and reducing stress. Sensory play is now included in occupational therapies which help improve brain development and the coordination of neurons in brain pathways. The next time you are told that you are wasting time fidgeting, just tell people about the various benefits of this habit.

For your ease, here we have compiled a comprehensive guide on how fidgeting works as a sensory support for improved nervous coordination as well as the techniques for becoming a fidget-spinning pro.

Section A – How Fidgeting is a Sensory Play

Various researchers have revealed that nervous coordination is evident not only from the five senses, but also from balance and body awareness, which is also known as proprioception. Do you know that our ear is responsible for maintaining our physical balance? The vestibular system on the inner side of ear guides our body to balance itself. Proprioception or body awareness is maintained by pressure receptors in our joints and stretch receptors in the muscles. The brain sends feedback to these receptors to help them understand the position of our body.

Sensory play involves regular activities that facilitate nervous coordination and improve not only the major five senses, but also body awareness and balance. Children’s occupational therapy programs include sensory games such as cardboard box race, circuit training and breaking the circuit, hanging from monkey bars, jumping off the swings and climbing the stairs with a backpack. Similarly, fidget spinners can be used in occupational therapies, as these have been found to improve concentration, focus and creativity.

Why do we need fidget-spinning? The reason is quite simple! For entrepreneurs, employees, employers, working women, house wives and everyone else, fidget-spinning works as a stress-reliever. It improves performance in our personal, social and professional lives.

Today, children have a lazy lifestyle. Most of their time is spent with digital devices. However, spinners can improve their five senses, body awareness and balance.

Section B – Tricks to Become a Fidget-Spinning Pro

You can spin a fidget-spinner in any way you like, because there is no wrong way to do it. The purpose of becoming a fidget-spinning pro is to incorporate these gadgets in your daily life without letting it distract you from routine activities. Before you start learning tricks, look at FidgetCircle’s 13 best fidget spinners and consider upgrading your toy.

To become a fidget-spinning pro, you need to practice:

  • Holding the spinner
  • Spinning tactics

Following are some tricks for becoming a fidget-spinning pro.

Basic Techniques

1.      Simple Flicking

How to Hold – In this technique, hold the spinner from the centre, using your index finger and thumb.

How to Spin – Use your middle finger or ring finger to spin the fidget spinner. For perfect spinning, stroke the fidget spinner in outward motions. Avoid flicking with your nails. For long spinning, load the spinner by pulling it a little inward and then flick it.

2.      Reverse Flicking

How to Hold – Hold the spinner from its centre between your thumb and index finger.

How to Spin–Reverse flicking is the opposite of simple flicking.The flick stroke would be inward. For longer spinning, load the spinner by pulling it a little outwards and then flick it inwards.

3.      Alternate Flicking

How to Hold – Alternate flicking is suitable for people who use their index finger more. Hold the spinner from its centre, using your middle finger and thumb.

How to Spin – Flick the fidget spinner with your index finger from inward to outward. Load it by pulling it inward, and then flick for longer spinning time.

4.      Alternate Reverse Flicking

How to Hold – Hold the fidget spinner from its center, using your thumb and middle finger.

How to Spin – Load the spinner outwards and flick it from outwards to inwards.

5.      Two Hands Method

How to Hold – If you use your left hand more, then hold the fidget spinner from its centre in your left hand using your index finger and thumb. If you use your right hand more, then hold it using the same technique in your right hand.

How to Spin –If you have the fidget spinner in your right hand, then use the index finger of your left hand to spin it. If you are holding it in your left hand, then use the index finger of your right hand to spin it. The stronger you push the spinner; the longer the spinning time.

Advance Techniques

6.      Serve in Style Technique

How to Hold – Open your palm and close middle finger, ring finger and your little finger. Put the center of fidget spinner carefully on the tip of your index finger.

How to Spin – With the index finger of your other hand, spin the device with full strength.

7.      Table Spin

How to Hold – Put the fidget-spinner on a table and put your index finger on its centre to create a grip.

How to Spin – With the index finger of your other hand, flick the spinner. You can remove your index finger right after flicking the device.

8.      Flip Flicked Spin

How to Hold – Spin the fidget spinner using a simple flicking technique.

How to Spin – Flip the spinner in the air and catch it in between your index finger and thumb. The fidget spinner should be spinning when you catch it.


A little practice can make fidgeting a fun activity for you and help you manage everyday stress like a pro.

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