Helpful Tips When Dealing With Cavity Wall Insulation Problems
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Helpful Tips When Dealing With Cavity Wall Insulation Problems

Helpful Tips When Dealing With Cavity Wall Insulation Problems

Lots of homeowners have cavity wall insulation problems that have resulted in damp, which have led to further expenditure in order to put it right. While many experts believe cavity wall insulation to be the best form of insulation, helping to reduce the amount of heat lost from the property and in turn lowering the amount they spend on central heating; others believe that problems with cavity wall insulation are so common that having it installed in the first place is just throwing money through the gaps in the brickwork of the property where the cold air gets in (or down the drain to use a simpler analogy).

In instances of cavity wall insulation causing damp problems, homeowners have been left with no option other than having it ripped out and removed from the property and when you consider the cost of cavity wall insulation in the first place, that is an option they don’t want to have to take up. However, if you don’t fix the issue, a home inspector will only uncover it when your home goes on the market, which will drive the value of it down. So, you really do need to fix any issues!

Cavity wall insulation isn’t always the best option for insulating your home and you need to consider a number of factors before giving anybody the go-ahead on your project. The first is the thickness of the materials used with the thicker material, obviously, likely to do a better job at keeping the home warm although you don’t want it to be too thick that you compromise space and airflow as any damp that does develop won’t be able to escape.

The next consideration should be the material as fiberglass wool, for example, if incorrectly installed can develop air pockets that allow moisture, damp and cold air to get in and this is then transferred to the rest of the home. In essence, the simplest solution to your insulation problems is to start again, but you should always seek professional advice in case any structural damage has occurred.


How a Landlord Can Resolve Problems Associated with Cavity Wall Insulation

Landlords and property managers are regularly contacted by tenants with complaints about issues such as leaking taps, broken floorboards, and malfunctioning ovens; but one of the biggest concerns for any landlord or manager is related to the insulation used to keep the property warm. When tenants experience problems associated with cavity wall insulation the initial thought on the behalf of the landlord is related to the upheaval it will cause for the tenant and the cost of the repairs.

All problems associated with cavity wall insulation can only be resolved by taking out the damaged or damp material, replacing it with higher quality or more efficiently installed wall cavity insulation designed to perform far better than the previous material. In this instance, you have a number of different options.

You can either seek the advice of experts from the industry who will provide you with a number of choices and quotes to ensure that you have a happy tenant again, or you can ask them to get their own quotations and pay the bills on their behalf. The first option is by far your best choice and you have control over the materials you choose to use, whether that’s the beaded option, fiberglass wool or foam; and the areas which need insulating most. In this case, you really are best to seek the opinion of your tenant who will know where the drought or damp is coming through as they will be able to point out any signs of mold which keep appearing even when they clean the property, a clear sign that moisture is present.

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