• Riding in the Summer

    3 Things You’re Going To Need To Do When Riding In The Summer

    Riding a motorcycle in the summer can be a lot of fun, but it can also present several challenges that you’ll need to consider. Here are 3 things you’re going to need to do when riding your motorcycle this summer: Buy Suitable Riding Clothing Do not ride in shorts and flip flops. Riding in suitable clothing doesn’t mean riding in regular summer attire. It simply means making sure you’re not wearing a full leather one piece that will make you sweat, dehydrate you, and stop you from thinking clearly. You’re going to need a moisture wicking base layer, and a properly designed summer piece that will wick moisture away from…

  • Home
    Home Improvement,  Infographic

    It’s Easy Being Green, Having A Home With Everything You Need

    You might think that by going green, you’re going to be reducing your quality of living, particularly at home. Well, that’s just not true and actually, going green could improve your lifestyle. You’ll have more money to spend on things you really want instead of wasting it on energy bills. Let’s look at some of the things that are still possible, even with a green home. Awesome Entertainment You don’t have to get rid of your television to make sure that your home is green. You just need to make sure it’s switched off when it’s not in use. Buy a TV that has energy savings settings, designed to save…

  • Luxury
    Infographic,  Money Matters

    Luxury. It’s A Bargain!!

    Luxury apartments: They’re great, but they’re expensive. Sure, you may have reached the point in your life where you can comfortably throw down a few grand every month on rent, but there’s still that feeling of doubt lingering in the back of your head: Do you really need to live somewhere so nice? Couldn’t you just as easily live somewhere a little cheaper? Think of all the money you’d save by not living in a luxury apartment. But what about all the money you save by living in a luxury apartment?

  • Beard Life
    Fashion,  Infographic

    Essential Tips For Anyone With A Beard

    Beards definitely contain their own attraction factor, but it’s important to remember that much of this attraction is attributed to how well maintained your facial hair actually is. A well-kempt beard says a lot about a man and can easily make him attractive to others while a scraggly, free-growing one might serve to keep people at a distance. Whether you’re trying to get your own follicles under control or you know someone who could use a subtle hint, the useful tips below are an easy way to get almost any beard or mustache under control. Having a beard is much more than just a mere style choice; it is essentially…

  • All Sports Talk,  Infographic

    Diversity and Demographics in American Youth Sports

    Ohio University Online In a country as diverse and influential as the United States, youth and college sports in the America are lacking a certain level of diversity that one would expect. Children in urbanized areas have fewer opportunities for organized sports. These disadvantages can be detrimental to the youths’ self-esteem and teamwork mentality, especially for the girls that live in these areas. Twenty-five percent of high school girls from cities have never participated in an organized sport. If you are interested in learning more about the gender and ethnicity issues in American youth sports, checkout this infographic created by Ohio University’s Online Masters in Coaching Education.

  • Food,  Infographic

    5 Budget Friendly Foods that Will Survive a Backpack

    The summer is winding down. Backpacks are filled brand new notebooks, pens and pencils. But how good are backpacks at transporting your child’s snacks to school? To keep that thirst for knowledge going all day, students need to keep themselves full and focused. Turns out, there are plenty of nutritious options to stuff in their knapsack. 5 Budget friendly foods that will survive a backpack and provide on-the-go nutrition ensuring kids get the fuel they need without the muss or fuss.