• What Does The Postpartum Period Mean For The Physicality Of Fathers
    Daddy Talk,  Men's Health

    What Does The Postpartum Period Mean For The Physicality Of Fathers

    When it comes to postpartum changes and adjustments, we rightly think first of the female body. With women growing and birthing children, they’re obviously going to experience the largest and most significant physical shifts during the newborn period. But, as scientists are increasingly discovering, men also undergo notable physical changes after a baby that may account for the fact that around 1 in 10 men also experiences postpartum depression (PPD) in the first year. While it’s still vital to concentrate on the bodily shifts that women experience in this period, then, a total lack of support or understanding about what happens to dads needs addressing if we’re to ensure prime…

  • Dad Bod
    Daddy Talk,  Men's Health

    The End of Your Dad Bod Is Nigh: The Benefits You Need From The Right Workout Gear

    When you’re trying to cure yourself of a nasty case of Dad Bod, you might struggle to figure out where to begin. If you’re the kind of person who acts as soon as he has a plan, you might just throw on an old shirt, sneakers, and shorts and go for a run right now. Even if you take up a gym membership, it’ll still be the same attire that you reach for. There’s nothing wrong with this per se, but there’s also a few things missing from making it right. One of the best ways to begin your quest for better health and fitness is to invest in the…

  • Dad Bod
    Daddy Talk,  Men's Health

    These Are The Dangers of the Dad Bod

    Once men hit middle age and have a few kids, they can start to lose their active lifestyle and allow their eating habits to become laxer. At the same time, their metabolism is slowing down, and their body is storing more fat. They may not reach full on obesity, but it’s very common for men who were once fit and very healthy to take on some extra weight at this point in their lives. This is what’s known as the dad bod, and it poses serious health risks. What Are the Risks? If you are living a less active lifestyle than you did in your teenage and early adult years,…

  • Fitness Tips for Fathers
    Daddy Talk,  Fitness,  Health,  Men's Health

    Say Goodbye To Your Dad Bod With These Fitness Tips For Fathers!

    When you become a father for the first time, there are many things you may fear. At the top of that list is the dad bod. A dad bod is the body most middle-aged dad’s end up with. You’re out of shape and unfit. This happens because you tend to relax when you have kids. You’ve reached a stage in life where you have everything. But, dad bods aren’t a good look and lead to unhealthiness too. So, here are some fitness tips to avoid achieving that bad look: Sports with the Kids It’s ironic how many of us encourage our kids to play sports. We urge them to join…

  • Dad Looking in Mirror
    Daddy Talk,  Health

    4 Ways to Ditch Your Dad Bod

    You remember a time when you were in shape. Back in those days, you were comfortable taking your shirt off in front of people. You may have even put on a bit of a show as you displayed a little skin. Alas, that was a few pounds ago, and now the six-pack in your midriff has vanished. You replaced it by enjoying a few too many six-packs of the adult beverage variety. You need to rid yourself of the beer gut. Here are four ways to ditch your dad bod.   Look in the Mirror You know the reason you got the dad bod. You started eating more while working…