• Men Fashion

    Men’s Fashion- Tips for Dressing for the Outdoors in Summer

    During the summer, you’ll probably start to feel a lot more get-up-and-go in the morning. You’ll probably want to make the most of the awesome weather, and go on a few more family outings to spend time together. For all of these occasions though, you’ll need the right attire, so today’s post is all about men’s fashion when it comes to the outdoors. Here are just a few outings that you may have to plan an outfit for… Camping with the family A lot of people think that once their kids get older they can’t do anything fun with them anymore, but this is far from true – in fact,…

  • Men's Fashion
    Fashion,  Featured

    Men’s Fashion: How To Look The Part In Everyday Situations

    Not enough is written about fashion for men. The truth is, it is just as important for men as it is for women. Even if we don’t always like to admit it, looking the part is important to us. But this in itself can be something of a challenge. How is the modern man supposed to know what counts as looking the part? For any given situation, there are layers upon layer of unspoken rules and codes for how to behave. And one of those layers is all about how you look. We don’t all want to think that our clothes have an effect on how others think of us.…