Remembering My Dad on Father’s Day As He Lived ULTRA
Daddy Talk

Remembering My Dad on Father’s Day As He Lived ULTRA

This post is sponsored by Michelob Ultra but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

Remembering My Dad on Father’s Day As He Lived ULTRA

It’s that time of the year when us dads get our chance to shine. I’ll admit, being a father of three, this is one of my favorite times of the year. Since my older two are older and have jobs, they love to buy something for me. Despite me telling them not to, it doesn’t work because that’s how they show appreciation. Honestly, I’ve never been that kind of dad that wants materialistic things, but when they made me cards when they were kids, that’s what I love. Till this day, I’ve been able to keep most of them as some of them disappeared when we moved. Father’s Day is like the gift and the curse nowadays for me. Unfortunately, my father passed away in 2015 and this weekend will bring an array of emotions. Those emotions range from our last conversations to the time we spent together.

Remembering My Dad on Father’s Day As He Lived ULTRA

When he was alive, he loved hanging on my patio and sharing a nice Michelob ULTRA. During the warmer months, my time is spent out there and thinking about how much I miss him. Most of the times you’ll find me out there with my Michelob ULTRA and probably a cigar. Growing up I had the luxury of having several Father-like figures that played a role in my life. When it comes down to it, none could beat my dad and that’s something I’ve told him several times. Whether it’s telling him, talking to him on the phone multiple times a day or taking him out for breakfast or dinner. Way before he passed I let him know that one day I’m just hoping to make him proud by being a great father like him. My dad never gives compliments like that, but he told me I’m beyond that.

Since he’s passed his presence is felt and it has a lot to do with my son. Honestly, he acts so much like his papa it’s crazy as other family members always talk about it. We have several pictures on the wall of him, plus I have a poster that I keep near my bed rolled up in my room. My favorite thing is the collage on my fireplace mantle of him. You will find me there all the time talking to him and letting him know how much I miss him. In the picture you’ll see pics of him from the last family reunion, in the military and me on his lap as a kid. I’m so blessed to have had you in my life and the appreciation of showing me how to be a man when I hated it.

It’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about you. You’ve been my phone on my lock screen ever since you passed as I talk to you all the time on it. With Father’s Day being this Sunday, I want to wish you a Happy Father’s Day and I love you. This Michelob ULTRA is for you!

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