These 3 Receptra CBD Products Are Helpful in Everyday Living
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These 3 Receptra CBD Products Are Helpful in Everyday Living

We have already shared what CBD oil can do and how it will help you. Cannabidiol popularly known as CBD oil has created quite a stir among the people. It is among the 104 chemical compounds that are extracted from cannabis. This property of CBD makes it a very suitable option for all those looking at natural remedy products without mind-altering effects. CBD is known to help with anxiety, depression, pain, epilepsy and many other issues. Receptra caught my eye because I’ve been dealing with pain for years, stress, anxiety and lack of energy. Fortunately, Receptra allowed me to try out three different product of theirs to see my opinion. They were the 500+mg of the elite CBD Oil, the Targeted Topical and the CBD Lip Balm.

Receptra 500+ MG Elite CBD Oil

These 3 Receptra CBD Products Are Helpful in Everyday Living

Being a parent of three kids will take a toll on your over the years. Two of my kids are now adults and my youngest is currently a freshman in high school. If that’s not enough, I’ve had my fair share of injuries from playing sports as a youngster. I’ve spent years dealing with pain and trust me, it gets worse the older you get. For the last couple of years, my sleeping also suffered and couldn’t sleep more than four or five hours a day. When you’re not getting the proper sleep, that usually means that you’ll suffer from a lack of energy. When taking the elite CBD Oil, I’m usually taking around .25mL and that’s enough for me. Seeing I’m not a fan of taking pills to sleep, this CBD Oil really relaxes me.

I’ve been sleeping around 8-to-9 good hours of sleep and my energy level is up. With the added rest and energy, I’ve actually started hitting the gym consistently now. Seeing that I’m starting slowly, my gym routine is three nights a week. In the past, after a few workouts my pains return, and it cancelled my gym routine. I’ve been hitting the gym for three weeks now and the CBD Oil is helping to ease my pain.

Targeted Topical

These 3 Receptra CBD Products Are Helpful in Everyday Living

When leaving the gym and if I’m experiencing some pain the Targeted Topical is my go-to product. The all-natural pure hemp CBD topical keeps you at peak performance. All the ingredients in this cannabinoid is what makes this amazing. The arnica and jojoba to help minimize swelling and inflammation. The soothing jasmine and ylang-ylang to promote efficient recovery for muscles and joints, and camphor to open pores for better delivery. All you need to do is rub the affected area and let it do its work.

Receptra CBD Lip Balm

These 3 Receptra CBD Products Are Helpful in Everyday Living

You’re probably thinking, you can get CBD lip balm? For me, this is perfect because I’ve always been critical about taking care of my lips. Each tube of lip balm contains 15mg of CBD and zinc oxide protectant. With the golden jojoba oil, shorea butter and vitamin E oil will instantly revitalize the delicate skin on your lips. This lip balm restores youthful look and feel to your lips.

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