5 Ways to Help Deal with Depression
Health,  Mental Health

5 Ways to Help Deal with Depression

5 Ways to Help Deal with Depression

Depression is something that millions of peoples are dealing with on an everyday basis. With the change of times, people are putting more of an emphasis on treatment and getting help. When growing up in the late-80s to early 90s this was something no one talked about. As I’ve looked back to my younger years, depression is something that was experienced by myself as a pre-teen. Unfortunately, a knee injury prevented me from playing sports anymore and it was heartbreaking. Seeing all your friends playing through high school and even on the college level hit pretty hard. In those times, I’ll admit that smoking weed was my thing as it lessened the pain of not playing. Since becoming a father and husband, them times are behind me but for others they still deal with depression. If you’re one of those, check out 5 ways to help deal with depression.


Set Goals

One of the things that makes you feel depressed the most is the feeling of not accomplishing anything. When you feel like something isn’t being accomplished, you start to feel worthless. If you begin setting goals and eventually accomplishing them, you feel like you’re worth something.


Have Fun

One thing to keep your mind off of being depressed is just to have fun. You can get with some family members, co-workers, friends or your significant other. You can play some games on the phone, have a cookout and play some Bicycle card games. If that’s not an option, go for a joyride somewhere and just make a day of it. With the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, make sure you practice social distancing, wash your hands and wear a mask.


Change Your Diet

I’m not saying to go on a crash diet, but some foods you eat are bad for your body. If depression tends to make you overeat, getting in control of your eating will help you feel better. Speaking from experience, there are some foods that makes you feel horrible after eating. There’s also evidence that omega-3 fatty acids and folic acid help eases depression.


Speak with Your Doctor

Consult your doctor and tell him or her about your depression. For me, I’m not someone that loves doctors, but they may do some good here. Your doctor may recommend some supplements that will help you’re your depression. There are a couple of friends that will not go to the doctor, but they’ll turn to marijuana or magic mushrooms, which you can buy at https://superfunguy.net/.


Try Something New

We all are stuck in our ways and the older we get, that holds true even more. Sometimes trying something new will be the key to making you feel much better. You can dress differently, try a new hairstyle or something simple as walking or reading a book. We all have our comfort zone and that may lead to your depression getting worse.

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