Animals,  Cats,  Family

How to Be Pet Ready With This Cat Adoption Checklist

How to Be Pet Ready With This Cat Adoption Checklist

Adopting a cat is a big responsibility. Though they are cute and fluffy, there are different things that you have to understand and keep in mind before getting one. It is important to think of this task as a responsibility instead of just a fun thing to get into.

Moreover, realize that not all cats have the same behaviors and ways. Do proper research about the breed of cat that you are going to adopt and adapt your home and your surroundings in similar ways.

It is highly dependent on the breed, early experiences, etc. It is a good gesture to take care of a pet, but owning a pet comes with it on sets of responsibilities. This can be made simple and right with some general understanding and tips that you must know before you bring a cat to your home.

Here are the few of those tips here:

Give some time and space to adjust

It takes some time for your cat or kitten to get familiarized with the surroundings, people, other pets if any. During the initial days, they might be more into hiding under your bed or sofa.

As days pass by, they will start to become comfortable and adjusting. Ensure you are not very rude or strict with the cat during these initial days and give them the time and space they need to adjust completely.

Readjustments to avoid accidents

Cats have the basic instincts to climb over shelves, stands, tables, beds, etc. If your home has beautiful showpieces or glassware around, try to shift it to a more safe and enclosed space, to avoid any breakage or spillages more often.

Though you can train your cat to avoid frequent pouncing, that will only happen only after the cat has taken enough time to adjust and has become used to living in your home. Therefore, taking precautions by making a few adjustments from here to there in the initial days is a good idea, to begin with.

Spay or neuter your kitten and cat before adoption

You do not want your neighborhood to be crowded with feral cats and spaying also helps to avoid the contractions of various infections, which are even fatal sometimes.

Regular visits to the veterinarian are important

Make sure that you take your cat to a veterinarian soon after the adoption. It is important to get your pet checked for any disease or internal parasites to seek medication as soon as possible. Moreover, getting an annual checkup also helps to understand the health situation of your kitten/ cat to accommodate necessary changes.

As much as you take care of your cats, professional help might prove very helpful sometimes. It is because vets are bound to have a deeper knowledge of the problems that your cats might face, which might sometimes be beyond your understanding.

Requirements of a cat


Right diet plan

Providing your cat or kitten with the right diet is a crucial part. It’s important to understand that the dietary requirements are different for various stages. Moreover, there is various healthy cat food available on the market today, read the ingredient label before picking one. It is advisable to do your research on the basic requirements of your cat’s breed and then purchase food items that match those requirements.

A common misconception is that cats should be fed milk; this is not true; most cats are lactose intolerant. Henceforth, for the right planning, it’s always best to seek professional help.

Scratching posts is a good idea

Most cat owners tend to be worried about the claws of their pets. Mainly because cats tend to scratch over surfaces to help to shed and for sharpening. These surfaces can become your beautiful couch or chair if not handled right. Therefore, it is better to invest a little in a scratching post instead of bearing larger losses. Declawing might not be a very advisable option here, but buying a scratching post is.

To make your pet use the scratching post, you can sprinkle some catnip on an occasional basis. Moreover, this can be turned into a routine to avoid any “scratching out” issues.

A litter box is a must

Keep the litter box in a private and accessible space. It’s important to train your pet to use the litter box and make sure to clean the litter box periodically to avoid any infections due to bad hygiene. It is also important to make sure that the litter box is big enough for your cat.

Maintain a water and food bowl

Cats drink a lot of water, and subsequently, it’s important to keep a water bowl filled up always. Moreover, maintaining a food bowl can also help the cats to pick up a routine and be less messy. Make sure to keep the bowls cleaned every now and then, and the food and water, if left untouched, should be stored properly.

Fun time with toys

It’s good to engage your kitten/cat with some toys or yarn balls to have some fun. Moreover, spending some quality time with your pet is always important, which helps to improve the bond too. Make sure your cat is not left alone for an extended period of time and that they are given company and entertainment from time to time.


Cats are all cute but don’t forget that it’s a living being that requires attention and care on a constant level. It is important to think of your pets as your responsibility and provide all things of their needs and requirements to them. Understand your priorities and plans, then make wise choices before adopting a pet.

Cats love to sleep a lot, and henceforth, it’s a clever idea to make a comfortable bedding space for them to have a good sleep. Although they love cuddles, sometimes having a private space is also important for them.

Making regular visits to a veterinarian is of utmost importance to be sure of the well-being of your cats. Even if you notice minor changes in your cats’ eating habits, sleeping patterns, or behavioral patterns, professional help must be taken.

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