• Education,  Safety,  Schools

    7 Ways to Reduce Binge Drinking on College Campuses

    Binge drinking among college students remains a problem today. Sadly, this type of drinking often leads to negative consequences. However, colleges and universities can take proactive steps to reduce harmful levels of drinking among students. What steps should these higher institutions of learning implement? Promote Alcohol-Free School Activities Schools need to provide students with appealing alcohol-free activities. Having enjoyable outlets and social connections outside of parties with alcohol can give students fulfillment, purpose, stress relief, and friendship.  If students are occupied with constructive activities they find rewarding, they may feel less tempted to binge drink. Making non-alcohol activities more visible, attractive, and available can support students in making healthy choices.…

  • The Different Types of Schools for Your Child
    Education,  Parenting,  Schools

    The Different Types of Schools for Your Child

    When it comes to choosing a school for your children, you may feel overwhelmed with the choices presented to you. While one option may seem like the best choice for your family, it’s essential to remember that every type of education has its pros and cons. Knowing what you want when choosing a school for your children’s future will help you narrow down which schools to select. To help you in your decision-making process, we want to give you a guide to the different types of schools available. 1. Homeschooling There are many different types of homeschooling approaches. Finding the system that will work best for you and your child…