• Parenting

    Baby Sizing 101: How Do I Know My Baby’s Size?

    What day of the week are the most babies born? Wednesday! What’s the least busy weekday for births? Sunday. As a proud parent, you want your baby to look their best from day one. You also want to make sure your little one is comfortable. That’s why you must learn the proper baby sizing techniques so that all of your child’s outfits fit perfectly. To help you out, we’ve created this complete baby clothing buying guide. It will help you learn how to size your baby for fashionable, perfect-fitting outfits. What size clothes should your baby be wearing now? Read on to find out! How to Measure Your Baby The…

  • Healthy and Disciplinary Habits That You Must Teach Your Baby
    Family,  Health,  Parenting

    Healthy and Disciplinary Habits That You Must Teach Your Baby

    Adapting to healthy habits goes a long way in the life of a person. Don’t you agree? It helps in creating a strong personality and a vibrant aura around the person. And needless to say that this personality and aura attract people and play a crucial role in socializing. Well, socializing and learning crucial social skills is a bit of a mature talk, don’t you think? That’s why we’ll keep it for later discussion. As for this article, we’ll keep our target audience to parents and their kids. Perhaps if we are not wrong, you are a parent who wants nothing but goodness in your child’s life. And a life…

  • 8 Ways to Tell if Your Baby Has Erb's Palsy
    Health,  Kids,  Parenting

    8 Ways to Tell if Your Baby Has Erb’s Palsy

    Erb’s palsy is a condition affecting the brachial plexus, which is the network of nerves that run from the spinal cord through the shoulder to the arm. Erb’s palsy is most often caused by excessive pulling or stretching of the head and shoulders during birth. There are many effective treatments for Erb’s palsy. However, as with most every condition or illness, early detection can play a big part in how well your child recovers. Identifying the signs of Erb’s palsy is key to making sure that your child gets the medical treatment that they require. Prompt treatment will be sure to increase the chance of a full recovery. There are…